KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Bank Indonesia (BI) recently stated that banking in Indonesia has received additional liquidity of IDR 295 trillion as of January 2025. Meanwhile, private banks received a larger injection of funds.
The Association of Indonesian Financing Companies (APPI) hopes that the liquidity disbursed by BI to banking can overcome the problem of tight liquidity in banking, so that it can boost the performance of financing companies. The reason is, APPI General Chair Suwandi Wiratno said that the funding obtained by financing companies so far also came from banking. He said that tight banking liquidity has also been a challenge for financing companies to date.
"Now, banking liquidity is tight. We also have our blood (funds) from banks. With BI helping to disburse liquidity to banking, maybe there is something we can hope for," he said when met in the South Jakarta area, Tuesday (4/2).
Meanwhile, Suwandi also hopes that tight banking liquidity will not last long. Thus, funding will not be difficult for multifinance companies to obtain in the future.
He said that if banks within a certain period of time are not willing to channel funds to small companies and instead choose large companies, it will certainly be difficult for the multifinance industry to grow.
Therefore, he said that multifinance is still looking for ways to overcome this problem.
"We are also on guard against the era of tight liquidity. We (the industry) must be able to research and see the situation," he said.
For information, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that funding received by financing companies or multifinance as of November 2024 reached IDR 379.76 trillion. This value increased by 8.91%, when compared to the same period the previous year.
The source of funding is dominated by loans from domestic banks amounting to IDR 244.82 trillion. This value covers 64.47% of the total funding received by financing companies as of November 2024.